44th Regiment of Foot Regulations.

Here you will find a list of guidelines and rules regarding historical accuracy that the organization

should strive to uphold at all times.


Our organization represents the 44th Regiment of Foot as they would have appeared on campaign in North America during the French & Indian War. We are striving for simplicity in our representation, and strive to uphold the highest levels of authenticity in our uniform and equipment as well as our activities.


1. The 44th Regiment's main purpose is to recreate the life and
times of the common soldier to the best of their ability with the
highest degree of the historical accuracy based on the best in
current research. Acceptable limitations to accuracy are primarily
health and safety. Another constraint is those areas where research
has been exhausted with no results due to the loss of information over time.

2. All clothing, accouterment and personal belongings are
recreated with the highest historical accuracy in materials and
construction techniques. This applies to proper patterns based on
research, proper fit according to 18th century practices, and
employing period construction methods at very least where outwardly
visible. There is an understanding that some items are not available
due to the lack of a particular resource or the skills to reproduce
that item. In instances where items already owned are known to be
incorrect, this is acknowledged and steps are taken to correct the
inaccuracy in a timely manner.

Click here for our list of Uniform Guidelines

3. Certain aspects of recreating the life of the 18th Century
soldier cannot be reproduced such as the considerations of disease or
injury. These can be interpreted for the general public, but not
recreated, as doing so can often undermine the importance of these hardships.

4. Impressions are based on diligent and exhaustive research,
not assumptions or speculation. Quality primary research or
extensively footnoted secondary sources should be the cornerstone of
any impression. Research is not static; impressions should
consistently be examined and reexamined. If in the course of this
reevaluation of research new information is found with contradicts
current interpretation, improvements and changes are necessary.

5. There is a general effort to recreate what was common, rather
than the extremely unusual or unique. While there are isolated
documented incidences of such things as women disguised as soldiers
and facial hair on soldiers, these sorts of things are far from the
norm for the period. Given we can only attempt to represent the
past with significantly smaller numbers, such impressions would
present a skewed representation of the armies and society as a whole of the period.

6. Recreating the common soldier means recreating his lifestyle
as well. Soldiers generally did not have the luxury to have baggage
carried for them, so personal items should be kept to what the
soldier could carry with him. Likewise, shared equipment such as
tents and cooking equipment should be representative of what
was commonly available to the soldier, not simply common to the
period, as life on the home front and in the field were very
different. While in garrison, soldiers were known to increase their
personal items, but as most events are representing armies on the
move rather than in fixed positions, garrison impressions should be
limited to the occupation of posts or towns, or recreation of sieges.

7. Though not always possible, modifications of impressions to
better suit particular events or scenarios are explored when
possible. The 44th should attempt to insure that the clothing
worn and equipment used is appropriate to the specific event being
recreated and/or their specific impression being given.

8. As 18th century soldiers were required to perform heavy
physical activity, those portraying these soldiers should be capable of the same.

9. Camp cooking should be representative of what was generally
available to the soldiers, even if it is just in a "best case"
scenario, rather than ornate cooking which though to the period, is
more appropriate in a home kitchen. Foodstuffs should be limited to
issued rations or what was seasonably and regionally appropriate to a
particular scenario and cooked in a manner that would be common for
the average soldier.

click here for information of Victuals

10. The 18th century soldiers life was largely spend away from
the battlefield. Taking this into consideration, everyday life
scenarios are just as worthy of recreation as combat recreations.
These include, but are not limited to drilling, martial ceremonies,
sentry duty, food preparation, etc.

11. As war was generally fought using massed troop formations
employing linear tactics, whenever possible units with consistent
safety and authenticity levels should be willing to be brigaded
together into larger formations, no smaller than a platoon (sixteen
men). Command structure should be in balance with troop strength so
that there are no more commissioned and non-commissioned officers
than which are truly needed to manage the troops. The 44th
should make every effort to brigade together in collaborative efforts
at mainstream events.

12. As 18th century soldiers did not exist in a vacuum, it is
necessary to be just as knowledgeable regarding the basics of 18th
century society and material culture. Such knowledge should come from
respected sources with ample documentation.


Other General Regulations.

• There is no documentation for facial hair in the 18th C. British army.
Soldiers in the 44th Regt. should be clean shaven for every event. The
British army regulated the length of the men's hair, which was typically 10 inches or longer.
It is recommended (but not required) that Soldiers without long hair should strive to acquire a
proper fitting wig that matches their own hair color.

• Those participants with glasses, though not required, should use a pair of 18th century style frames. sunglasses or tinted lenses are not allowed!

• Modern cigarettes are not allowed any time during an event. If a participant wishes to smoke, a proper 18th century pipe and tobacco should be used.

• Modern tattoos or other modern bodily art should not be visible.

• General camp and cooking items must be appropriate for that of a common soldier in the British army during the F&I war in America. Items that are not approriate include:

• Cast Iron cooking impliments

• Braziers

• Wooden boxes

• Chairs & tables

• Iron fire grates or iron tripods

• Cloth water carriers

• Inappropriate tents

• Any plastic or modern containers

Likewise, the items carried by the private soldiers must be kept accurate to what a common soldier might have carried. Items that are not appropriate for a common soldier include:

• Jewelery

• Pocket watches

• Family badges or crests

• Sunglasses or tinted glasses

• Masonic or religious emblems

• What is kept inside a member's tent is their own business and is not regulated by the unit. However, no non-period items shouldl be visible. Non-period items must be covered, or the tent doors closed at all times.


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Created by Ryan Gale Designs: rrgale@msn.com